Data Literacy
Presentation Slides
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Additional Resources
- Data Literacy Materials
- Data Literacy for the Public Sector
- Digital Personas
- Digital Mindset & The 30% Rule
- Data Literacy Assessment
Explore Statistics Canada’s Data Literacy Training Learning Catalogue where data literacy materials have been made available at no cost.
Check out this course offered by Apolitical in partnership with Statistics Canada that focuses on data literacy for the public sector.
- Creating personas is a way to understand the needs, experiences, behaviours and goals of different users. They are created based upon research to represent different user types. Personas represent types of job roles, not titles. The audience for each of these roles may share common characteristics, such as their training goals, job responsibilities, or skill level.
- Below is an example of Public Works’ implementation of the digital personas.
- Benefits of going through this exercise include identification of learning pathways to support digital skill development, identification of potential learning opportunities for PA development, and more.
- To learn more about the Digital Personas and how to use/apply them reach out to DigitalAcademy@york.ca
Check out the following resources describing how to develop a digital mindset along with the 30% rule.
Complete this survey created by Data to the People to assess your data literacy skills and receive training recommendations.
For more information contact data@york.ca